Saturday, May 19, 2012

IPads, IPods, and other 'I's

Working with the IPads and IPods for classroom use always leaves me feeling a bit mixed.  While I love all the ideas and great apps there are available for educating students, I have yet to be in an elementary school or classroom that actually has them for student use.  And given the way educational budgets seem to be continually (read: shrinking), it seems even less likely that I will encounter them.  At least in the near future.  And if they do come around in the far future, I'm sure technology will have changed so much that the information I have will be completely outdated.

That being said, I think they can be a fantastic way to not only bring technology to children's fingertips, but also some fabulous apps.   I know on my own IPad I am learning Spanish and doing other fun (sometimes educational) things.  And I'm weird about putting all kinds of apps on mine.  Others I know that got their IPad around the same time as me have a TON on stuff on there's.  Perhaps after returning from Argentina I'll be more likely to add stuff.  I'm trying to keep my memory clear for pictures, pictures, pictures!

Our group did a fun little lesson plan about the different types of clouds.  We utilized a finger painting app for the kiddos to draw and label clouds with.  The possibilities are endless with drawing apps.
I enjoyed the opportunity to play with the Smartboard.  I'd really, really like more time and expertise on that.  I know the school I'm currently working in has them.  I have yet to see my mentor teacher use hers, and wonder if it's for lack of knowledge.  How cool it would be if I could use it in my lessons!!!!

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